
Client Reviews

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5 Stars

11 Reviews | Average Rating: 5

5 Stars

I've been working with Carmela for over a year now, and throughout this time she has helped me navigate major life decisions that were causing me deep distress that have improved the quality of my life tremendously. Aside from these life changes, she's supported me in finding ways to cope with my anxiety, helped me confront deep biases and harmful behaviors I engage in which cause me problems in my day to day life, and ultimately be kinder and more forgiving to myself.
5 Stars

I’ve been working with Carmela for some months and she has really helped me cope with my anxiety. More importantly, she has helped me understand why I feel the way I feel, how my brain works, and how I can relearn things in order to better manage my anxiety. She is kind, humane and nonjudgemental, and also very smart. I completely trust her and I feel like I´ve grown and learned a lot since we started working together. I really love her approach and she's the voice inside my head whenever I'm feeling down or nervous.
5 Stars

Carmela is very insightful and non-judgmental. I feel comfortable telling her anything and she always makes me feel supported and understood. She’s helped me grow significantly and I’m thankful to have her as my therapist
5 Stars

I have previously worked with Carmela for several months, and when we first started our sessions I was in what felt like a real dark and confusing place dark place in my life. She was incredibly patient and kind as a therapist and gave me many tools to be able to navigate through the stressors of life, and made me feel comfortable to outwardly express myself . After finishing up our therapy sessions I have grown immensely and made a lot of life changing decisions that facilitated in my growth as a person, and Carmela was the catalyst and the start of it all. Thank you for everything.
5 Stars

When I first started to work with Eddie, I never expected to feel the way I do today. I was greatly depressed, highly anxious and working through complex traumas, especially a sexual trauma that I never talked about. I never thought that I could safely express myself and have a healing experience around my sexual trauma, my grief, and being a cancer survivor. This is the best service and I really encourage others to work with Eddie, because his techniques really do help in more ways then one. I can feel and see the changes in how I used to be. My depression has gone down a lot and I have better control over my anxiety. I am healing.
5 Stars

I highly recommend Eddie for those looking for that extra kick in the butt, raw, and real healing experience. You cannot outwit, out run, nor hide your conscious & subconscious self with Eddie. His approach is for those open to consider the spiritual component to mental health. The therapy integration of spirituality, guided meditation, and wisdom deriving from a social work perspective makes this experience safe, effective & a must for all.
5 Stars

I was very happy with the help I received. It was life changing for me and I don't think I would be where I am without out it. I had an overall amazing experience and would definitely recommend it.
5 Stars

Eddie embraces both basic science and spiritual healing techniques. I am one of thousands of people who have reached out to various forms of therapy, some of which helped, most left me questioning. I have never come upon a technique as practiced by Eddie, who has been able to unite the distinctive aspects of science, with the intense investigation in spirit towards deepest realization. I was able to feel as we concluded, that Eddie’s focus allowed my spirit to divest itself of a long held barrier that had challenged my life. Now, days later, my unique and welcome state of mind persists.
5 Stars

I have been in and out of therapy and treatment for most of my life. The past three years I have spent working with Carmela has changed literally EVERYTHING. I came in expecting the same old talk therapy and patent responses and instead have found myself challenged beyond what I ever thought was possible for me and held through processing some of the deepest underlying parts of my traumas that have affected my life since being an infant. I often say that this work is the most important work I will ever do, and I truly believe that without Carmela it would not have been possible. I cannot recommend her enough. Do yourself a favor and book an intake ASAP.
5 Stars

My teenage daughter suffered from an eating disorder, self harm and anxiety since the beginning of the pandemic. With empathetic and thorough support from Carmela Perez, my daughter has overcome these challenges. My daughter now feels empowered to face the next chapter of her life as she begins her collegiate career.
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